Winter of Wonder
Winter of Wonder

Winter of Wonder

Extracurricular after school activities/holiday programs

Winter of Wonder give children and young people a program of activities to look forward to at Christmas. This will include activities such as arts and crafts, sports, party games and lots of culinary activities resulting in a party atmosphere. Our activities will focus on improving inter-personal skills and provide a positive experience for those children and young people taking part. Every child will have access fun and safe activities during December. We staff our program with qualified school professionals who will be able to offer additional educational, social and emotional support to children and young people in their contribution to both helping to design and deliver our project.

Our Funding Partners

Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funding partners

hm gov community fund
lottery funded
Police Crime Commission
Reduce Violence
Ernest Cook
Sandwell and Birmingham Hospital Trusts
NHS University Hospital Birmingham
near neighbours
Heart of England Building Society
Birmingham City Council
Energy Savings Trust
BBC Children In Need
Heritage Lottery Fund
National Grid

Previous Significant Funders

The Great Imagining logo
Commonwealth Games logo
Asda logo
House of Fairytales

Partner Organisation

Aston Villa Logo