EYFS Network Meeting
EYFS Network Meeting
EYFS Network Meeting
Please join us to follow up on our first EYFS Network Meeting which took place on the 15th October. It was a well attended meeting with discussions focussing on: Settling back in with Covid 19 Data sharing The new ELG & feedback from Early Adopter schools An update from Clare Williams, one of the Birmingham Early Years Network Leads sharing information about their organisation, including the services and training they offer. Looking at Possible Training Needs for the coming Year. Our next meeting is booked for 10th December 2020 an invitation email will be sent out next week. If you need any information regarding this network please contact Debz at d.bonnique@handsworth.bham.org.uk or the Chair Deborah Murdock (Grestone Academy Early Years Lead -d.murdock@grestoneacademy.com)Funders & Partners
Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners