Thank you to the Henry Smith Charity

Thank you to the Henry Smith Charity

Great day was had by all, thanks to the Henry Smith Charity
Great day was had by all, thanks to the Henry Smith Charity

Thank you to the Henry Smith Charity

With an award from the Henry Smith Charity, we were able to take 100 Children to Drayton Manor Park!

Award from Henry Smith Charity. 100 children and young people got the chance to go on a fantastic trip this summer thanks to the Henry Smith Charity. We took a coach to Drayton Manor and had an amazing day!

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Funders & Partners

Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners

Funders Tile
Lottery Community Fund
Birmingham City Council
National Grid
Energy Savings Trust
LGK in the Community
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House of Fairytales
Diwali Basket
Rotary Club
Legacy West Midlands logo

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BBC Children In Need
hm gov community fund
Police Crime Commission
Reduce Violence
Ernest Cook
Sandwell and Birmingham Hospital Trusts
NHS University Hospital Birmingham
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Heart of England Building Society
Heritage Lottery Fund
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