The show must go on!

The show must go on!

Young People's Parliament Convene at Wattville Primary School (before the pandemic)
Young People's Parliament Convene at Wattville Primary School (before the pandemic)

The show must go on!

Making the Young People's Parliament Work in a Pandemic

So said Freddie Mercury... but we at HAOS feel much the same.

We know both schools and young people love the opportunity to learn through our Young Peoples Parliament Project which has run for many years. But the usual format can’t happen during the pandemic as social distancing is paramount. So, we are going to do something different. We’ll work with the guidelines and bubbles and with teachers to provide a great learning opportunity using video and other technology.

We will give young people chances to express their views, take positive action for their neighbourhoods and communities whilst learning about the way our country and city is run.

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Funders & Partners

Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners

Funders Tile
Lottery Community Fund
Birmingham City Council
National Grid
Energy Savings Trust
LGK in the Community
Partners TIle
Fare Share
The Great Imagining logo
Aston Villa Logo
House of Fairytales
Diwali Basket
Rotary Club
Legacy West Midlands logo

Previous Significant Funders

Previous Funders

BBC Children In Need
hm gov community fund
Police Crime Commission
Reduce Violence
Ernest Cook
Sandwell and Birmingham Hospital Trusts
NHS University Hospital Birmingham
near neighbours
Heart of England Building Society
Heritage Lottery Fund
Commonwealth Games logo