Harvest Donations – WMP + St James

Harvest Donations – WMP + St James

Harvest Donations – WMP + St James

Thanks William Murdoch Primary School and St James CofE Primary School

Harvest Donations – WMP + St James

On behalf of Handsworth Association of Schools, we would like to convey our gratitude to William Murdoch Primary School and St James CofE Primary School for nominating us to receive your harvest donation this year. William Murdoch Primary's generous contribution to our foodbank will have a major impact on helping us to continue to support some of the most vulnerable families in our local community.  I want to thank you for helping us make a positive difference.

Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Donations from Murdoch and St James CofE Primary Schools
Harvest donations
Harvest donations
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