Become a Member
Join Us!
Handsworth Association of Schools is a local charity that manages a unique network of Primary and Secondary Schools and third sector partnerships across Handsworth. Tackling the challenges and main concerns that our members deal with, we offer collective opportunities and support that your schools need in order to thrive. Becoming part of HAOS brings education institutions and community organisations into contact with a diverse network of professionals with a shared commitment to quality of provision for children and families and a commitment to the sharing of their experience and knowledge.
Benefits of being a Member
HAOS aims to deliver diverse and innovative opportunities, exceptional value for money and added benefits for our members. Membership gives schools access to a reputable, widespread, cross-phase school network which offers schools with a variety of benefits including:
- Access to multiple educational projects and activities for students
- Teacher development and CPD opportunities for all school staff
- Distributing and creating educational resources which highlight best practice
- Working with community organisations, artistic professionals, media specialists as educational partners
- Staff networking which allows for open conversations with other professionals outside your own setting
- The chance to be involved with externally funded projects
HAOS membership priorities are completely directed by the needs of our members. Our membership offer will go on providing tangible benefits, wider impact and excellent value for money and schools can join up at any time.
Non member schools have the option to join in with individual projects – contact us with any queries.
We are honoured to assist our members in making a lasting difference to the lives of children, young people and families across Handsworth and we look forward to forming new links while fostering current member’s needs.
To explore the possibilities of becoming a full member of HAOS please contact us to ask for an application pack
Funders & Partners
Handsworth Association of Schools thanks our generous funders and partners